Autism CRC’s Sylvia Rodger Academy delivers programs aimed at empowering autistic adults. Our vision is to see autistic people thriving through discovering and using their strengths.
Our mission is to provide programs, pathways and networks that create communities where autistic people fully contribute and influence policy, practice and culture in partnership with their peers.
Our programs are co-designed and autistic-led.
We strive to create an environment where autistic adults feel comfortable and welcome. A safe place where unique needs and ways of experiencing the world are recognised and respected, fostering belonging and acceptance.

Our Programs

Autistic Identity and Connection
The Autistic Identity and Connection Program is for autistic adults who would like to learn more about what it means to be autistic, and develop connections with the autistic community.

Future Leaders
The Future Leaders Program is for autistic adults who would like explore and develop their leadership skills to make a positive impact in their community.

Governance Program
The Governance Program is for autistic adults who would like to be on boards or other governance bodies, such as advisory councils, and want to develop practical knowledge and skills in corporate governance.

Research Program
The Research Program is for autistic adults who want to learn how research is done and skills for co-producing research with established researchers. The Research Program is also for researchers to learn the skills for participatory and inclusive research with the autistic community.
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More than one third of autistic people in Australia are unemployed or underemployed. Research by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand (ASAN AUNZ) showed that most autistic people wanted resources for self-advocacy in employment.
To this end, the Sylvia Rodger Academy created and ran the Self-Advocacy @ Work Project. Led by autistic project officers, we worked with 10 autistic adults to co-design, develop and deliver self-advocacy employment resources by, and for, the autistic community. These resources are available at
Graduate stories

“I learned that the traits I thought I had to overcome were actually qualities that make me special, loved and worthy. It gave me the skills to recognise what I need to thrive and the confidence to self-advocate for that.”

“I had spent a lifetime trying to find out where I fit in, and through the program I learnt I could be myself.”
Our history and governance

In 2015, Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger AM co-founded the Autism CRC Research Academy, which was later renamed in her honour. The Sylvia Rodger Academy proudly continues her work through our mission and is overseen by an autistic-majority Management Committee.