Katharine Annear
Independent Director/Deputy Chair
BAppSc(DisStud) MDisStud ACBS
Katharine is an Academic at Flinders University, a registered Developmental Educator, and has served on local and national not for profit boards for over 20 years. These include incorporated associations and companies limited by guarantee, in the Disability and Arts industries, and National Disabled People’s Organisations.
Katharine is a founding member of the ASAN AUNZ and has spent over 15 years in the autism advocacy space, in both grassroots and high-level policy settings. Katharine also sits on the ministerially appointed Autism Advisory Group for the NDIA, and the Children, Young People and Families Reference Group for the NDIA’s Independent Advisory Council.
Katharine brings experience as an Autistic person who also has numerous Autistic family members. This is complemented by almost 20 years as a practicing Developmental Educator working predominantly with Autistic individuals who have complex support needs and their families.
Katharine is a passionate advocate for co-design in research and public policy and the translation of research and policy into meaningful practice for disabled people; with a particular emphasis on including the most marginalised people.
"I welcome the opportunity to serve the Autism CRC in this important transitional phase. I look forward to adding my lived and professional experience to the board as it shapes the future for Autism research and translation."