
  • Who can benefit from the Assessment and Diagnosis Guideline?

    This video outlines who can benefit from Autism CRC's National Guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of autism in Australia, and how the Guideline can help you.
  • Opening screen of video with cartoon avatars

    Guiding Principles of the Supporting Autistic Children Guideline

    This video explains the Guiding Principles of the Autism CRC National Guideline for supporting the learning, participation, and wellbeing of autistic children and their families in Australia.
  • Understanding strengths, needs, barriers and enablers to autistic students’ success

    We asked participants to share their perspectives of the strengths, needs, enablers and barriers, influencing autistic students' academic learning, wellbeing, and engagement at school.
  • What is the Australian Autism Biobank?

    This video explains what the Australian Autism Biobank is, why it was created, how it works and the many benefits for autistic people, their families and carers. The Biobank contains biological samples and data including whole genome sequencing and behavioural, socio-economic and health data from almost 3,000 autistic and non-autistic children and their parents across Australia.
  • inclusionED Inclusive Classroom Podcast | Episode 5: Positively engaging families

    Learn how allied health professionals, support workers and school staff can work together as equal partners to engage families and establish effective communication between home and school.


  • inclusionED Inclusive Classroom Podcast | Episode 4: Foundation practices for early career teachers

    Learn about the professional learning platform and national community of practice available on that has reached over 55,000 unique visitors and achieved over 6000 registered users since its launch in May 2020. This episode is hosted by Autism CRC’s Nicole Torres and Libby Salles.


  • inclusionED Inclusive Classroom Podcast | Episode 3: Sensory needs

    Learn how to understand sensory avoidance and sensory seeking behaviour and learn about hypo- and hyper-sensitivities to stimuli in the classroom environment.


  • inclusionED Inclusive Classroom Podcast | Episode 2: Anxiety in the classroom

    Learn strategies for teachers to build trusting relationships, spot the signs of anxiety and support students in recognising and managing anxiety.


  • inclusionED Inclusive Classroom Podcast | Episode 1: Neurodiversity in the classroom

    Learn about neurodiversity, autism and helpful strategies to support neurodiverse learners in the classroom by harnessing the strengths, passions and interests of students to enhance learning.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Panel: Supporting mental health in the workplace & closing remarks

    Learn about mental health issues faced by autistic employees and hear from Dr Simon Bury about the Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce: a mental health and wellbeing resource and training package.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Presentation: Higher education thought leadership

    Learn about higher education thought leadership from a number of individuals at universities from Ireland and the work they’ve been conducting to promote neurodiversity in universities and drive thought leadership in areas of mental health and neurodiversity in the legal system.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Presentation: Self-Advocacy @ Work website

    Learn about the launch of the Self-Advocacy  @  Work website, its key features and the co-design process that was undertaken in its development and delivery.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Panel: Insights from higher education

    Learn about the La Trobe University neurodiversity project and how PhD research is exploring the barriers to disclosure and inclusion for autistic people and what is being done to support students to perform their best.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Workshop 2: Sustaining your Autism@Work program

    Learn about building organisational capability, scalability and sustainability for your current or future Autism @ Work programs as panellists discuss how to structure a framework that makes success sustainable.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Workshop 1: Starting out an Autism@Work program

    Learn from some of the amazing people who have been championing Autism@Work programs within their organisations for many years.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Keynote: Vanessa Castañeda Gill & Lucy Stevens, Social Cipher

    Social Cipher develops story-driven video games that give neurodivergent youth and the professionals who work with them a safe, accessible, empowering space to apply and understand social-emotional skills.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Keynote: Rajesh Anandan & Nicole Radziwill, Ultranauts

    Learn about Ultranauts Inc., an award-winning quality engineering firm with employees in 30 states across the U.S., 75% of whom are on the autism spectrum.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Case study: myWAY Employability and Matchworks

    Learn about the Neurodiverse Employment Training Program which was developed to provide support and training for MatchWorks Disability Employment Services (DES) clients who identify as neurodivergent.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Panel: Employee Resource Groups

    Learn how Employee Resource Groups (ERGS) are successfully supporting their staff to understand and better support autistic employees.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Keynote: Jessica Kaaden

    Listen to keynote speaker Jessica Kaaden, the Director of People and Communications at SANE, Vice President of Australian HR Institute (AHRI), and a founding member of Hacking HR’s Global Experts Council.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Panel: Small Medium Enterprises

    Learn from representatives of small businesses that recruit and employ autistic talent and the enormous benefit that recruiting for neurodiversity has on small medium enterprises.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Podcast | Panel: Human Resources

    Learn how existing HR resources support the management of autistic and neurodiverse talent and discover where the gaps in HR practice exist and how they can be addressed.


  • Autism CRC Podcast | Panel: Insights from employees

    Learn about the experiences of autistic employees and exploring the role of skill development in career-building.


  • Autism CRC Podcast | Panel: Insights from employers

    Learn from representatives from large organisations as panellists share their experiences on how they achieve skill development with their talent and reflect on what aspects of their own programs help to build workplace capacity.


  • Autism CRC Podcast | Welcome & Keynote: Tom D'Eri

    Featuring a Welcome to Country by Elise Muller, opening remarks from Autism CRC CEO Andrew Davis and DXC Technology Social Impact Practice Leader Michael Fieldhouse.


  • Autism@Work 2023 Virtual Summit

    Over forty local and international speakers – many of whom are neurodivergent – provided their expertise and shared their experiences at this year's Autism @ Work Virtual Summit, held on 22-23 March 2023. 
  • Fat molecules linked to sleep problems among children with autism

    A new study has identified that fat molecules contribute to sleep disturbances in children diagnosed with autism, with results now published in Nature Medicine.
  • Supporting Autistic Children on 'Speak Up': A Speech Pathology Australia Podcast

    Speech Pathology Australia's 'Speak Up' podcast host Emily McVeigh chats with Dr Emma Goodall, and A/Professor David Trembath about Autism CRCs Supporting Autistic Children Guideline.


  • eLearning course

    New online course for clinical professionals

    Learn how to provide an evidence-based clinical pathway for all individual and families during their autism assessment and diagnosis journey. The course is open to all key clinical professions, including primary health care providers such as GPs, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, paediatricians, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The course is currently being offered through Speech Pathology Australia and is open to members and non-members.

  • Understanding the Supporting Children National Guideline: What to expect from the draft release and what will happen next

    Understanding the Supporting Children National Guideline

    The draft version of the National Guideline for supporting the learning, participation, and wellbeing of autistic children and their families in Australia is now open for public consultation. In advance of the draft’s release, Associate Professor David Trembath and Professor Andrew Whitehouse presented this webinar to provide information about the development of the Guideline and what to expect from the draft release.
  • Autistic people with quality of life and opportunity

    Highlights & Achievements 2013 – 2022

    When we began in 2013, we were the world's first national collaboration focused on autism across the lifespan. Now, Autism CRC is Australia’s national independent source of evidence for best practice. This short video showcases many of our highlights and achievements to date.
  • End-user perspectives – Early Years

    We asked some of our end-users how our work has made a positive impact in their lives, or the lives of the people they help each day. We thank our end-users in the following video for giving their perspectives on the impact of our Early Years program. 
  • End-user perspectives – School Years

    We asked some of our end-users how our work has made a positive impact in their lives, or the lives of the people they help each day. We thank our end-users in the following video for giving their perspectives on the impact of our School Years program.
  • End-user perspectives – Adulthood

    We asked some of our end-users how our work has made a positive impact in their lives, or the lives of the people they help each day. We thank our end-users in the following video for giving their perspectives on the impact of our Adulthood program.
  • Do Your Research: Screens & Autism

    A recent Japanese study making headlines claims that male toddlers who watched more television at age one were more likely to be diagnosed with autism at age three, compared to those without any screen time. Professor Andrew Whitehouse spoke to Josh Szeps on ABC radio about the flaws in this study.


  • 2021 Awards for Achievement in Autism Spectrum Research

    2021 Awards for Achievement in Autism Spectrum Research

    Presenting the recipients of the 2021 Autism CRC Awards for Achievement in Autism Spectrum Research. Three projects received recognition for their outstanding commitment to inclusive research practices and translation of autism research.
  • A grid of screenshots of people's faces

    Autism@Work 2021 Virtual Summit

    More than 500 delegates attended Australia’s first Autism​@​Work Virtual Summit, hearing about the benefits of a neurodiverse workplace and exploring how to achieve Sustainable Programs, Sustainable Employment for employers and employees.
  • The 'hidden histories' of autistic adults

    Hear from the researchers and participants of the Autism CRC project, Uncovering the hidden histories of late-diagnosed autistic adults, on All In The Mind with Sana Qadar.


  • Title screen: Autism in Education Showcase and Book Launch

    Autism in Education Showcase

    The Autism in Education Showcase highlighted a range of Autism CRC education resources with two featured panels and officially launched two ‘sister’ books: Research Approaches to Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Inclusive Schools: Outcomes, Challenges and Impact and Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Inclusive Schools: A Practical Guide to Implementing Evidence-Based Approaches
  • Autistic scholars panel

    Autistic scholars panel, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. In this webinar, hear from autistic scholars Pia Bradshaw, Rebecca Poulsen & Dr Matthew Bennett.
  • Autism at work

    Autism at work, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. Hear the latest from researchers and autistic employees on new insights on effective employment practices from our global study, release of the Integrated Employment Success Tool for employers and experiences of employment from autistic employees.
  • Nothing about us without us

    On this episode of a different brilliant, Aspect’s first Autistic person to join the Board of Directors, Tori Haar discusses the topic of Autistic inclusion with Orion Kelly, and why involving Autistic people in decisions that will impact them is so important.


  • Health, assessment and diagnosis

    Health, assessment and diagnosis, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. Hear the latest from experts on localising health information for health practitioners and new resources for clinicians via the National Guideline Implementation Toolkit.
  • Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence

    Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of evidence, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. In this webinar, hear from the authors about the landmark report Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence.
  • Writing and transitions

    Writing and transitions, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. Hear the latest from researchers and education experts on a co-designed app to help kids with their writing, and enabling support with transition planning for students – an educator’s guide to myWAY Employability.
  • Launch of the Australian Autism Research Council 2020-21 Research Priority

    Australian Autism Research Council 2020-21 Research Priority Update, Autism Month webinar 2021

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2021 webinar series. In this webinar, hear about the Research Priority update from Australian Autism Research Council (AARC).
  • Opening slide of Photovoice Gallery

    Webinar and Premiere Event of My Quality of Life: A Photovoice Gallery

    My Quality of Life: A Photovoice Gallery premiered at 12pm (AEST) Friday 6 November 2020 with a showing of the gallery and a live Q&A with the team involved.

  • Misconceptions and pigeonholing: what it’s like navigating work with autism

    Jess Strutt finds out what needs to be done to get more people on the spectrum into the workforce in discussion with Marina Ciccarelli, Kathy Issacs, and Liam Picen.


  • Screenshot of Jackie Coates, Head of Telstra Foundation, launching myWAY Employability

    myWAY Employability launch

    This recording of the myWAY Employability launch includes a demonstration showcase of myWAY Employability, and a live Q&A with the project team.
  • InclusionED and inclusive classrooms on Afternoons with Katherine Feeney on ABC Radio Brisbane

    Katherine Feeney talks to Autism CRC's Suzanne Carrington and autistic teacher Trudy Bartlett about the new online learning platform, inclusionED.


  • Live event video of Prof Robert van Barneveld Autism CRC Chair

    inclusionED Launch Event

    inclusionED was launched by the Hon. Dan Tehan MP, Minister for Education, via an online event on Monday 18 May. The launch attracted over 1,500 registrations and included a demonstration showcase and a live Q&A with the research team.
  • In the average Australian classroom, at least 3 children have a learning difficulty or neurodevelopmental disability

    inclusionED preview

    Video preview of inclusionED, a new online professional learning community designed with educators, for educators
  • Building Resilience for Children and Teenagers, Autism Month 2020 webinar series

    Part of Autism CRC's Autism Month 2020 webinar series. In this webinar, hear about online and remotely delivered evidence-based tools and programs that can help build resilience in children and teenagers on the autism spectrum.
  • Connection and Quality of Life

    Connection and Quality of Life, Autism Month 2020 webinar series

    Hear experts share the latest on using chat-bot technology to support participation and health and wellbeing in higher education, working with autistic researchers to uncover the hidden histories of late-diagnosed autistic adults, and developing a Quality of Life tool for autistic adults.
  • Diagnosis, Early Intervention and Sleep, Autism Month 2020 webinar series

    In this webinar, hear the latest from experts on diagnostic practices and experiences in New Zealand, new parent mediated observation tool for infants showing early signs of autism and what we know about sleep in children on the autism spectrum.
  • Autistic Voices - Influencing Change, Autism Month 2020 webinar series

    In this webinar, autistic leaders share their insights about influencing positive change in your community or area of interest and finding opportunities to collaborate and create or be part of change.
  • Assisting passengers with hidden disability, Trudy Bartlett on Drive, ABC Gold Coast

    Trudy Bartlett, a graduate of the Sylvia Rodger Academy’s Future Leaders Program, spoke with Karin Adam from ABC Gold Coast about her involvement in helping to train airport staff to better understand the needs of autistic people.


  • Gaining and Sustaining Employment: Centaine Kaesler-Smith with Beth Kaesler and Wojciech Nadachowski

    Centaine Kaesler-Smith, in conversation with her mother Beth Kaesler and Autism CRC's Chief Operating Officer Wojciech Nadachowski, discusses her experience gaining and sustaining employment with Sunpork Farms through the Autism and Agriculture project


  • School Years Webinar, 30 April 2019

    This webinar is part of our 2019 Autism Month series and features the latest research on improving classroom acoustics, promoting school connectedness and the development of inclusionED. Speakers include A/Professor Michael Whelan, A/Professor Wayne Wilson and A/Professor Beth Saggers.
  • Autistic Voices Webinar, 29 April 2019

    This Autism Month Webinar gives you a chance to hear the perspectives of four autistic adults. They talk about what being autistic means to them and what they would like others to know about autism. All four speakers are graduates of the Future Leaders Program.
  • Adulthood Webinar 2019, 26 April 2019

    In this 2019 Autism Month Webinar you will hear about two longitudinal studies being carried out and research into helping young adults to plan and prepare for their working life. Speakers include Dr Sam Arnold, Julianne Higgins, Dr Rebecca Flower, A/Professor Marina Ciccarelli.
  • Functional Near-Infared Spectroscopy (FNIRS) - Early Years and Diagnosis, 24 April 2019

    An excerpt from the 2019 Early Years and Diagnosis Webinar, Professor Valsamma Eapen looks at how we can use neuroimaging techniques to better understand brain development in children on the spectrum and how that knowledge can improve outcomes for children. 
  • Transition to school - Early Years and Diagnosis, 24 April 2019

    An excerpt from the 2019 Early Years and Diagnosis Webinar, Professor Valsamma Eapen talks about supporting children and their families as they transition to school, and the science behind the recommendations.   
  • Australian Autism Biobank - Early Years and Diagnosis, 24 April 2019

    An excerpt from the 2019 Early Years and Diagnosis Webinar, Dr Felicity Rose talks about how this national initiative has the potential to accelerate autism discovery research to improve the lives of people on the spectrum. 
  • Early Years and Diagnosis Webinar, 24 April 2019

    The first in our 2019 Autism Month Webinar series, Dr Felicity Rose and Professor Valsamma Eapen discuss the Australian Autism Biobank, how best to support children and their families during transition to school and the promise of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in autism research.
  • Audio content

    Neurodiversity and the Digital Divide on Myf Warhust, ABC Radio

    Autistic advocate Kathy Isaacs and Autism CRC's Chief Operations Officer, Wojciech Nadachowski, join technology director at Today Mark Davis to discuss the lack of accessibility standards for neurodiverse people online.


  • Support and transition models of practice, 24 April 2018

    Dr Trevor Clark and Dr Beth Saggers discuss early years behaviour support for children on the autism spectrum and transition models of practice for teachers of children on the spectrum.
  • Health, wellbeing and employment, 17 April 2018

    A/Professor Anna Krzeminska, Dr Anna Urbanowicz and Mr Matt Ormiston discuss health and wellbeing, employment initiatives and ANZ's Spectrum Program for adults on the spectrum.
  • Early years and diagnosis, 16 April 2018

    Dr Kiah Evans, Dr Josephine Barbaro, Olga Tennison and Professor Valsamma Eapen discuss the national diagnostic guideline, surveillance programs and autism subtyping.
  • Participatory autism research

    Professor Liz Pellicano speaks about the how's and why's of participatory autism research. She is joined by Rochelle Johnson, Dr Wenn Lawson and Gabrielle Hall.
  • Early years, 14 September 2017

    Presented by Dr Marleen Westerveld, this webinar provides an overview of the latest research on literacy profiles and literacy predictors for early learners on the autism spectrum.
  • Autism and Agriculture

    Autism and Agriculture, SunPork Farms

    Showcase of the Autism and Agriculture initiative, by SunPork Farms and Autism CRC, which aims to improve animal welfare by creating opportunities in animal care for adults on the autism spectrum.
  • Early years, 7 April 2017

    This webinar discusses talks about our development of Australia’s first national guideline for autism diagnosis in collaboration with NDIA to help define a diagnostic process is consistent and accurate.
  • Adulthood, 6 April 2017

    This webinar gives an overview of employment initiatives, making the workplace more inclusive, Autism and Agriculture, and practices to help ensure recruitment and on-boarding processes are appropriate for autistic candidates.
  • School years, 5 April 2017

    This webinar talks about our landmark longitudinal study of autistic students, looking at the relationship, if any, between child/family characteristics, intervention experiences and school support, development and behaviour.
  • Neurodiversity, 4 April 2017

    This webinar delves further into the neurodiversity movement to give a better understanding of how different brains work in different ways and an appreciation of the value of diversity.
  • Promote acceptance, 3 April 2017

    Launching our webinar series for Autism Month 2017 is a panel discussion by autistic adults who will examine autistic strengths and highlight the ways in which the broader community can celebrate diversity and promote acceptance.
  • Adulthood, 24 November 2016

    Chaired by Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger, this webinar provides an overview of the latest research developing practical tools and interventions to support adults on the autism spectrum to find a valued place in society.
  • School years, 8 September 2016

    Chaired by Dr Keely Harper-Hill, this webinar provides an overview of the latest research in evidence-based, whole classroom interventions to support children on the spectrum in the classroom.
  • Peer research, 5 August 2016

    This webinar provides a practical overview of the process of co-production of autism research to support researchers and the autistic community to participate meaningfully in peer research.
  • Early years, 22 July 2016

    Chaired by Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger, this webinar provides an overview of a project underway which is trialling a therapy for infants identified as showing early risk for autism.
  • Autistic voices, 7 April 2016

    Chaired by Olivia Gatfield, this webinar is a panel discussion with adults on the autism spectrum who are involved in our research, and their views on what is needed to reach our vision to transform lives.
  • Adulthood, 6 April 2016

    Chaired by Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger, this webinar provides an overview of the latest research developing practical tools and interventions to support adults on the autism spectrum to find a valued place in society.
  • School years, 5 April 2016

    Chaired by Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger, this webinar provides an overview of the latest research in evidence-based, whole classroom interventions to support children on the spectrum in the classroom. Button link to YouTube
  • Early years, 4 April 2016

    Chaired by Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger, this webinar brings together three leading specialists to present our latest research in early diagnosis, developmental surveillance and current practice. Button link to YouTube