A synthesis of research evidence

Autism CRC has published a report for families, clinicians, researchers and policy makers, which synthesises all available high-quality evidence about interventions for children on the autism spectrum.
Autism CRC has published a report for families, clinicians, researchers and policy makers, which synthesises all available high-quality evidence about interventions for children on the autism spectrum.
Evidence shows that effective intervention during childhood plays an important role in promoting learning and participation in everyday life activities. However, navigating the range of interventions can be difficult.
Evidence shows that effective intervention during childhood plays an important role in promoting learning and participation in everyday life activities. However, navigating the range of interventions can be difficult.
The report, Interventions for children on the autism spectrum: A synthesis of research evidence (Autism Interventions Evidence Report), provides families and clinicians the best opportunity to make informed decisions when choosing interventions. It includes a broad overview of intervention for children on the autism spectrum, including the principles underpinning all interventions, and the rationale behind each category of intervention. The report also includes a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence for the effects of interventions for children on the spectrum, both therapeutic and otherwise. The evidence review was conducted to international best-practice standards, including only the highest quality of evidence. The report was commissioned by the National Disability Insurance Agency and completed by Autism CRC through the work of a research team with a diverse range of professional backgrounds.
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Community summaries
We have prepared community summaries for the two reviews contained within the Autism Interventions Evidence Report: