Scott Reading
Independent Director
MComm, MBus, MAICD
Scott has over 30 years’ experience in senior management and leadership roles in industry sectors including retail, media, direct selling and small business with both national and international companies.
As a private philanthropist Scott has donated his time and resources to numerous not-for-profit boards and has always been guided by his strong moral compass, evidence-based research, and courageous board governance
As part of Scott’s philanthropic work, he was a founding Director of the AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism and was an active board member for 15 years.
Over the past nine years as a Director of the Autism CRC, Scott has served on the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee, the Research and Development Committee, The Sylvia Roger Academy and for a short period as the Managing Director of the CRC during the Company’s search for a new CEO.
He is the parent of a young adult on the spectrum and understands intimately the daily challenges that this condition can bring.
Scott is proud to be associated with the hard-working staff and dedicated researchers from the Autism CRC whose peer reviewed research will benefit so many for years to come.
“Never have so many universities, not-for-profits, commercial providers and government departments been assembled with a combined focus on achieving the common good for the Autistic community. I am proud to be associated with the hard-working staff and dedicated researchers from the Autism CRC whose vital work will benefit so many for years to come.”