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The Framework development process

When challenges exist, children may benefit from informal and formal supports that are tailored to their individual strengths and support needs, irrespective of whether they have a diagnosed condition.

The Framework was developed to address the current gap in knowledge and lack of consensus about how best to assess, differentiate, and report children’s strengths and support needs. The Framework is intended to improve children’s health, activities, participation, and wellbeing by improving professional practice and the policy that supports it. 

Addressing the research questions involved an iterative process of evidence gathering, evidence synthesis, and consensus building involving organisations represented in the Reference Group.

Research activities

The research activities included:

  1. A systematic review of research evidence (environmental scan).
  2. A review of grey literature (environmental scan).
  3. Community consultation via an online survey (environmental scan).
  4. Co-production with a Reference Group of community and professional organisations, associations, and societies.

Autism CRC commissioned this project with support from an Australian Government Department of Social Services Information, Linkages, and Capacity-Building grant. 

Reference Group

The Reference Group (RG) comprised representatives of 23 community and professional organisations, associations, and societies who brought personal and professional knowledge, skills, experience, and perspectives relevant to the Framework. Further information about the RG is contained in Supporting Information.

Representative Organisation
Amanda Curran Allied Health Professionals Australia
Eleanor Hoskins Audiology Australia
Louise Butler Australasian Society for Developmental Paediatrics
Amanda Curran Australian Association of Psychologists Inc
Angela Scarfe Australian Association of Social Workers
Sally Howell Australian Association of Special Education
Sonia Evans Australian College of Nurse Practitioners*
Ella van de Velde Fidock Australian College of Nurse Practitioners*
Giselle D’Mello Australian Dental Association*
Mihiri Silva Australian Dental Association*
Omar Al-Ani Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative
Kristy Nicola Australian Physiotherapy Association
Bianca Comfort Australian Psychological Society*
Sara Quinn Australian Psychological Society*
Cathy O’Toole Carers Australia
Sue Tape Children and Young People with Disability Australia
Tara Lewis Indigenous Allied Health Australia
Thea Dunkley National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Susi Tegen National Rural Health Alliance
Ailsa Leslie Occupational Therapy Australia
Ursula White Optometrists Association Australia – Optometry Australia
Clare Gibellini People with Disability Australia
Domenica Decrea ReImagine Australia*
Yvonne Keane ReImagine Australia*
James Best Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Erin West Speech Pathology Australia
Valsamma Eapen The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists*
Melanie Turner The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists*

* Indicates the role was shared with another representative of the same organisation.

Project team

The project team comprised members with diverse personal and professional knowledge, skills, experience, and perspectives relevant to the Framework. The biographies of team members are included in Supporting Information.

Team member Organisation
David Trembath (Co-Chair) Griffith University | The Kids Research Institute Australia
Emmah Baque Griffith University
Nicole Dargue Griffith University
Sonya Girdler Curtin University
Emma Hinze Griffith University
Ashley Llambias Griffith University
Rhylee Sulek Griffith University | The Kids Research Institute Australia
Hannah Waddington Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
Amy Fitzpatrick (Co-Chair) Griffith University
Teena Caithness Griffith University
Kiah Evans University of Western Australia | The Kids Research Institute Australia
Libby Groves Griffith University
Tara Lewis Indigenous Allied Health Australia
Zheng Yen Ng Griffith University
Kandice Varcin Griffith University | The Kids Research Institute Australia
Rachelle Wicks Griffith University | The Kids Research Institute Australia

Thank you

Thank you to the professional organisations, associations, and societies who brought personal and professional knowledge, skills, experience, and perspectives relevant to the Framework. We'd also like to thank the many children, families, and community members who supported the development of the Framework by contributing to the community consultation process and yarning sessions.