Rewiring the workplace: our neurodiverse future
We invite you to attend our Autism @ Work 2018 Careers Fair, and connect with employers who will talk about their autism at work programs.
Come along and meet representatives from ANZ, DXC.Technology, SAP, and Specialisterne, as they share information about their programs that support people on the autism spectrum.
Our Careers Fair is free to attend.
Autism @ Work Careers Fair
Date Friday 19 October 2018
Time 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Venue ANZ Bank, 833 Collins Street Docklands, VIC
What is the Autism @ Work Careers Fair?
The event is similar to a trade show. We will bring together Autistic adults with employers and services, that can potentially help you find skilled employment.
Who will be there?
We will have around 8 - 10 organisations attend, who all have a strong history of being proactive in providing, or finding employment, for people on the spectrum.
How does it benefit me?
You'll have an opportunity to see alternative ways for applying for jobs. Many of the employers at the Careers Fair use a recruitment strategy that allows prospective employees to show their work-related ability, rather than their social skills.
Will I be interviewed?
There won't be any job interviews at the Careers Fair. Instead, it's an opportunity for you to connect with prospective employers and learn about their programs. The exhibitors will all have flyers and brochures that you can take home, so you can contact them at a later time when it suites you. If you feel comfortable interacting with them at the Careers Fair, you can ask them any questions about their roles and programs for people on the spectrum.
What should I bring?
The Careers Fair will be a casual environment, so wear what feels comfortable, such as jeans and t-shirt. You might want to bring a notepad or phone, so you can take notes. It may be noisy in the room with a lot of people, so you could also bring noise cancelling headphones, or sensory tools such as a cap or shaded glasses.
Will the room be quiet?
We will have one break-out space available next to the Careers Fair, for quiet conversation. We will have a second room available further away from the Careers Fair, that will be setup as a low input space to recover from overwhelm.
Do I need to register?
No, you can simply turn up on the day. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Careers Fair will be held after our Autism @ Work Summit. Find out more about the summit.
Have a question? Send us an email hello@autismcrc.com.au.