Reading Comprehension in the First Year of Schooling for Verbal Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at risk of persistent reading difficulties, particularly reading comprehension, with challenges reported in over 50% of students. Early literacy skills are strong predictors of later reading success in typically developing children. To date however, limited research has investigated early literacy skills in children with ASD and whether they are significant predictors of later reading success in students with ASD. Using the Simple View of Reading as a guiding framework, we assessed the reading comprehension skills of children with ASD in their first year of schooling and investigated 1) the concurrent links between reading comprehension and reading accuracy; 2) the concurrent links between reading comprehension and listening comprehension; 3) the links between school-age performance on reading comprehension and pre-school ability on listening comprehension, vocabulary, and print concepts (i.e. print and word awareness).
Paynter, J. & Westerveld, M. (2019). Reading Comprehension in the First Year of Schooling for Verbal Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Poster]. International Society for Autism Research 2019 Annual Meeting, 1 May. International Society for Autism Research.
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School Years