Supporting the SEL of Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Trialing an Australian Model of Practice for the Early Years
The Early Years Model of Practice (EY MoP) comprises a set of foundation practices which support decision making regarding the teaching of students on the autism spectrum in the early years. Practices encourage the creation and maintenance of an inclusive and supportive classroom environment (Belonging), the development of student personal and social capabilities and management of challenging behaviours (Being), and the delivery of the Australian Curriculum and development of student communication, literacy, and numeracy capabilities (Becoming). When trialled the EY MoP was found to be a locally viable and potentially effective tool, which supported the teaching of students on the spectrum.
Beamish, W., & Taylor, A. (2019). Supporting the SEL of Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Trialing an Australian Model of Practice for the Early Years [Poster]. 2019 Social and Emotional Learning Exchange, 2 October. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).
School Years