Trait emotional awareness in autistic adolescents and young adults
Transition from adolescence to adulthood is a significant period of change, marked by an increased expectation of independence, new experiences and changes in levels of support, and has been identified as challenging for autistic youth (Hendricks & Wehman, 2009). Emotional awareness is the extent of an individual’s ability to identify their own emotional state and that of others; it is a fundamental social skill used in everyday life. Little is understood about trait emotional awareness in autism or if it differs from non-autistic individuals. This study aimed to explore the levels of emotional awareness of 15-25 year old autistic and non-autistic Australians using the LEAS-Youth (LEAS-Y) a modified version of the levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (Lane etal., 1990; Brenham et al., 2007).
Haschek, A., Flower, R., Richdale, A., Uljarević, M., Cai, R.Y. & Lawson, L.P. (2020).Trait emotional awareness in autistic adolescents and young adults [Poster]. International Society for Autism Research 2020 Annual Meeting, 3 June, virtual. International Society for Autism Research.
School Years