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Autism CRC Knowledge Centre
Knowledge Centre
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Analysis of common genetic variation and rare CNVs in the Australian Autism Biobank.
10 February 2021
| Biobank output
Lauren Taylor
22 March 2021
| People
Meeting the communication needs of students on the autism spectrum in Australian classrooms: Adjustments reported by educators and specialists
1 July 2020
| Publication
“I don’t want to be a patient”: Peer mentoring partnership fosters communication for autistic university students
1 July 2020
| Publication
The Relationship Between Child Anxiety and the Quality of Life of Children, and Parents of Children, on the Autism Spectrum
4 July 2020
| Publication
Brief report: What happens after school? Exploring post-school outcomes for a group of autistic and non-autistic Australian youth
13 July 2020
| Publication
Development and feasibility of MindChip: A social emotional telehealth intervention for autistic adults
13 July 2020
| Publication
Looking or talking: Visual attention and verbal engagement during shared book reading of preschool children on the autism spectrum
1 August 2020
| Publication
Short Report: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the brief Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) for adults on the autism spectrum
1 August 2020
| Publication
"In their own time": Parents gently push their emerging autistic adults towards independent community mobility and participation
1 August 2020
| Publication
Psychosocial resources developed and trialled for Indigenous people with autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers: a systematic review and catalogue
6 August 2020
| Publication
Anxiety and the autism spectrum: Are there gender differences?
10 August 2020
| Publication
The role of negative affectivity in concurrent relations between caregiver psychological distress and social-emotional difficulties in infants with early signs of autism
13 August 2020
| Publication
Traversing the community is uncertain, socially complex and exhausting: Autistic youth describe experiences of travelling to participate in their communities
25 August 2020
| Publication
Subgroups of temperament associated with social-emotional difficulties in infants with early signs of autism
14 September 2020
| Publication
Development of an online training program for librarians delivering autism friendly story time sessions
8 November 2020
| Publication
Designing a longitudinal study of development of students with autism: Focus on learning, education, and meaningful outcomes
30 November 2020
| Publication
A comparison of children born preterm and full-term on the autism spectrum in a prospective community sample
3 December 2020
| Publication
Teacher ratings of academic skills and academic enablers of children on the autism spectrum
11 January 2021
| Publication
Using assistive technology with SRSD to support students on the autism spectrum with persuasive writing
15 January 2021
| Publication