Autism@Work employer roundtable to help employers continue to invest in neurodiversity
We are pleased to announce a new, online Autism@Work employer roundtable is being developed by us and our partners, DXC Technology, ANZ, SAP, Peoplebank and Symantec, to help employers continue to invest in neurodiversity employment programs to benefit people on the autism spectrum. You can find today's media release here.
In recognition of the growing investment in neurodiversity workplace programs, Australia’s first Autism@Work Forum was held last September 2017 and brought together employers, autistic employees, researchers and policy makers. The forum was the initiative of Autism CRC and DXC Technology.
Consultation will start shortly, before a newly formed online Autism@Work employer roundtable is launched to build on the connections and learning formed at last year’s forum. The roundtable already has the support of forum sponsors, ANZ Bank, SAP, Peoplebank, Symantec and DXC Technology.
The online Autism@Work employer roundtable will allow employers investing in neurodiversity employment programs – and those interested in doing so – to share learnings, resources and other information associated with their programs.
The roundtable will also provide employers with an understanding of the latest in related research and employment tools from Autism CRC and other research initiatives.
An increasing number of Australian employers are investing in workforce neurodiversity and implementing employment programs for individuals on the autism spectrum - better engaging with this significantly untapped talent pool within our diverse society.
Like many, autistic individuals have strengths and skills that might contribute to more productive and innovative workplaces. However, traditional employment practices and environments often make it difficult for those strengths and skills to be recognised and for autistic individuals to gain and sustain employment.
Autism CRC is very pleased to continue the work with our employer partners in expanding and enhancing evidence-based neurodiversity employment practices across Australia – promoting meaningful employment and economic participation, and enabling greater quality of life, health and wellbeing.
You can keep updated on the progress of the online Autism@Work employer roundtable here on the Autism CRC website or by subscribing to our eNews in the footer below.