Showcasing the latest in autism employment research at the Autism@Work Virtual Summit

As part of the upcoming Australian Autism@Work Virtual Summit (24-25 August 2021), we will be holding a virtual exhibition and would like to showcase the latest in autism employment research as part of this exhibition.
Accordingly, the Autism@Work Virtual Summit Organising Committee invites abstracts from researchers conducting research that focuses on autism/neurodiversity and employment, and which aims to create (or has resulted in) practical and meaningful outcomes for autistic individuals.
Please read the below information BEFORE submitting an abstract to ensure that your submission meets the specified requirements.
Key dates
Call for Abstracts opens: Monday 5 July 201
Abstracts due: Wednesday 21 July 2021 –submitters are encouraged to submit before this date
Abstract authors notified: as soon as possible after submission of their abstract, but latest by Tuesday 27 July 2021
Completed submission due: Friday 13 August 2021
Summit: Tuesday 24 August to Wednesday 25 August 2021
Summit theme
We encourage you to consider the Summit theme when developing your submission: Sustainable Programs, Sustainable Employment.
Abstract format
Your abstract can focus on one research project or give an overview of a range of research projects and their associated findings/implications. Please consider the following topics when developing your abstract.
- Background
- Aim/Purpose
- Method/s, including any co-production elements
- Findings/Results
- Discussion/Conclusion
- Practical implications and, or outcomes/impacts
Submission type
For each abstract, please indicate the submission format for which it is being submitted (video submission or poster submission).
Video submission
Video submissions must be no longer than 3-4 minutes and must include the researcher/s speaking to camera about their research.
Up to three researchers/people can be included in the video. Additional graphics are optional. Videos will be uploaded to the ‘employment research’ virtual exhibition booth for attendees to view as ‘on demand’ content during the Summit. Submissions will remain available on the virtual event platform for three months after the event. After this time, they will be transferred to the Autism CRC website and YouTube channel.
Videos are to be shot in landscape and provided as a video file (eg MP4). Poor quality videos (eg wobbly footage, blurry visuals or poor audio) will not be accepted.
Poster submission
Poster submissions involve displaying research in a visual format. Posters will be uploaded in digital format onto the virtual exhibition booth for attendees to access as ‘on demand’ content during the Summit. Submissions will remain available on the virtual event platform for three months after the event. After this time, they will be transferred to the Autism CRC website.
Poster dimensions – A0 size in portrait (841mm wide by 1189mm long). Posters are to be submitted as PDF files.
Abstract information
Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words (excluding title and other contact details) and should be emailed to
Due to the audience for the Autism@Work Summit, abstracts and submissions should use plain English (not heavy in research jargon). Abstracts and submissions must also adhere to the Autism CRC language and terminology guidelines.
- The author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract.
- Presenters must follow appropriate ethical guidelines in the research they present and must have ethical approval as appropriate. Inclusive research practice is encouraged. This includes engaging autistic individuals as active research participants. Please see our guide on Inclusive Research Practice.
More about the Autism@Work Virtual Summit
After three highly successful, in-person Australian Autism@Work Summits, the first ever Autism@Work Virtual Summit will be held on Tuesday 24 August and Wednesday 25 August 2021.
This virtual event will allow attendees to hear from high profile local and international speakers, including employers, autistic employees, community organisations, educational institutions, service providers and researchers about how to achieve Sustainable Employment and Sustainable Programs for employees and employers.
The event will provide an opportunity for people from across Australia and internationally to attend, regardless of their physical location. At least 400 attendees are expected to attend.
Our 2019 in-person Summit in Melbourne attracted almost 200 delegates from a range of sectors including large corporations, small business owners, start-ups, state and federal government departments, local councils and universities, demonstrating the increasing interest in neurodiverse workplaces.
More information
For more information about the Employment Research booth and submission process, please contact Autism CRC Research Program Manager, Therese Conway, on +61 7 3377 0600 or by emailing
For more information about the Autism@Work Virtual Summit in general, please contact Autism CRC Marketing and communication Manager, Cally Jackson, on +61 428 390 705 or by emailing