How do we get autism support right in Aotearoa New Zealand?

11 Sep 2023

The Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline was first developed in 2008 and the Guideline is now in its third edition. However, implementation of the Guideline historically has been mixed (see e.g., research on autism diagnosis in Aotearoa). With international moves to establish national autism strategies and legislation, it is a good time to explore community support for a similar move in Aotearoa.

A community views survey examined perceptions from members of the autistic and autism community of current supports and services as well as suggested approaches for the future. A total of 1042 autistic people, parents, professionals and family members completed the survey. 

"We are very pleased with the great community response and are hoping to use the findings to improve support for autistic people across Aotearoa" says Dr Hannah Waddington, Victoria University of Wellington.

Findings from the project will include recommendations for implementation of the Guideline as well future approaches to autism support in Aotearoa.

View the project page