Removing educational barriers in Australian schools for autistic students (REBAS)

To be genuinely inclusive, education systems and practices need to effectively support the strengths and meet the needs of diverse learners. Building on the success of Autism CRC’s school years program, including the foundational  Australian Autism Educational Needs Analysis, this project is:

  • furthering our understanding of current educational strengths and needs of all autistic learners, including those with high and complex needs or those who are multiply marginalised
  • identifying what is working and not working well in inclusive education practice for autistic learners. 

This project aims to address identified gaps in educational practice and provide policy, research and practice recommendations to progress our education system by ensuring that appropriately tailored inclusive practices catering to autistic learners’ strengths and needs will be applied nationally.

Project code
Project Leader(s)
  • Beth Saggers, Queensland University of Technology
Project status