2023 AARC Annual Report
This report represents the key activities of the 2023 AARC, including a Research Priority Update summarising key findings from the five remaining research priority areas originally identified by the AARC in 2019.
The AARC also reported on the release of the Quality of life and wellbeing of autistic individuals with complex support and/or communication needs Final Report in 2023. Autism CRC commissioned the research after the 2022 AARC drafted a proposal for consideration.
2023 Research Priority Update
This report represents a continuation of work previously conducted by the Australasian Autism Research Council (AARC) in 2019 and 2021, with a focus on five of the identified top ten autism research priorities for Australia:
- Choice of living and housing
- Family and carer support
- Gender, diversity and inclusion
- Health and disability services delivery
- Built environment
2022 editorial
In January 2022, the journal Autism published an editorial by AARC members about its work to date.
Poulsen, R., Brownlow, C., Lawson, W. & Pellicano, E. (2022). Meaningful research for autistic people? Ask autistics! Autism. 26(1):3-5. doi:10.1177/13623613211064421
2020-21 AARC Research Priority Update
The 2020-21 AARC Research Priority Update describes the 2020 ORIMA consultation process and summarises the findings. The reports were released alongside a webinar presented by AARC members Prof Liz Pellicano and Dr Wenn Lawson, and Autism CRC Project Coordinator Tori Haar.
Download 2020-21 Research Priority Update Download community summary Watch webinar
2020 consultation
In 2020 the AARC held a series of focus groups for 5 Research Priority Areas (Communication, Education, Employment, Health & Wellbeing and Justice).
The focus groups included autistic people, family members and relevant professionals and involved online discussion groups and short surveys.
The output of this process is ten research topics for each of the five priority areas.
We thank focus group members for their time and expertise during the community consultation.
The Research report on focus groups to identify research questions for community informed priority areas describes the 2020 ORIMA Research consultation process and discusses the fifty research topics. This report has been written by the team from ORIMA Research who were engaged to deliver this project on behalf of the AARC.
Download Final ORIMA Research Report Download Executive Summary Download Appendices
2019 Community Consultation
In 2018-19 the first iteration of the AARC looked at domestic and international research commitments, and existing global and Australian surveys on autism research priorities.
They identified seven broad research priority areas which were presented to the autistic and broader autism communities in a draft report.
The communities were asked what priority areas were important to them through an online survey and submission process. More than 1,000 responses were received.
The AARC considered the consultation outcomes, including the mix of stakeholder views and has formed a list of 10 priority areas which will guide autism research into the future. This culminated in the release of the 2019 Australian Autism Research Priorities.
We thank the community for your generous contribution to this process.
The Report of the Australian Autism Research Priorities 2019 describes the process and outcomes of the 2019 community consultation.
Download Final Report Download Appendices Download Snapshot
If you would like to view a copy of the original draft priorities which were the subject of the community consultation:
- Download the Australian Autism Research Council: Draft Research Priorities for Consultation 2019
- Download the Easy Read version – includes pictures and larger text
Community Summaries
The Community summary of the AARC describes the AARC and the work that the AARC has done.
The Role of autistic people in the Australasian Autism Research Council (AARC) describes the important role that autistic people have in the AARC, including how they can be involved the work of the AARC.
Download Role of autistic people in the AARC community summary