“I've spent my whole life striving to be normal”: Internalized stigma and perceived impact of diagnosis in autistic adults

Published January 2023


Background: Receiving an autism diagnosis in adulthood often leads to improved self-understanding and deeper self-reflection, which can have major impacts on people's well-being and sense of identity. However, autism diagnosis also exposes individuals to societal stigma, which may become internalized over time. This study aimed to explore relationships between psychological and service-related impacts of diagnosis and internalized stigma using mixed methods. Methods: One hundred forty-three autistic adults completed an online survey involving impact of diagnosis domains of Self-Understanding, Well-being, Clinician Support, and Service Access, internalized stigma, and open-ended questions on beliefs about autism diagnosis. Results: On average, participants reported mild levels of internalized stigma and positive impact of diagnosis in all domains except Service Access. Older age at diagnosis was positively associated with Clinician Support only. The path analysis model showed positive relationships between impact of diagnosis domains, with Self-Understanding having a positive effect on Well-being via lowered internalized stigma. We developed four themes of Continuity and Acceptance, Late Diagnosis as Regret and Freedom, Coming to Terms with Being Autistic, and Stigma Resistance from qualitative data. Conclusions: Self-understanding protects against the development of internalized autism stigma. Diagnosticians and service providers play an important role in improving self-understanding and well-being in autistic adults. More research is needed to understand the role of age at diagnosis and mechanisms behind positive identity development after autism diagnosis.
Huang, Yunhe & Trollor, Julian & Foley, K-R & Arnold, Samuel. (2023). “I've Spent My Whole Life Striving to Be Normal”: Internalized Stigma and Perceived Impact of Diagnosis in Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood. 10.1089/aut.2022.0066.

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